Critter Collars
should be a "must have" in your box of whelping supplies. For more
information click here
for their website
HRC Website - click here

Brandywines Waterfowl Drake

Brandywines Summer Shandy-Leinie MHR
YouTube Videos
Phil & John - Abby Doubles run - BDC 3rd Season
Brandywines Living Like a
Rock Star - Roxey - at 11 weeks
| |
Tournament/HRC Hunting
2010-2011 Season
Results and Photos

Bird Dog Challenge |


HRCH UH Brandywines Browning Citori Feather and
HRCH UH Brandywines Mighty Duramax both received their 500 pt status in
HRC during 2011
Brandywine dogs that titled on Saturday at Music
City, TN HRC Hunt test, Aug 27-28, 2011
Other passes and titles:
HRCH UH Brandywines Till the Next Time Tillie –
titled in Finished
HR Brandywines Lookout 4 Buddy Luv – titled in
Seasoned, owned by Ray & Val Bloom
HR Brandywines Stonewall Galant Pehlam – titled in
Seasoned, earned 1 Finished pass, owned by Butch & Jane Herb
HR Brandywines Cutty’s Superstar – titled in
Season, owned by James Tanner
SHR Brandywines Legacy of Stonewall – titled in
Started, owned by Andy McGinnis
HRCH UH Brandywines Mighty Duramax – 2 Finished
HRCH UH Brandywines Browning Citori Feather – 1
Finished pass
HRCH Brandywines Duramizer Chip – 1 Finished pass
HR UH Brandywines Bessies Mojo – 1 Finished pass
Congrats to all!
Kankakee River HRC - Aug 13-14, 2011 Hebron, IN
Citori & Tillie - Finished passes
Sally - 2 Started passes
Backwater HRC - July 16-17, 2011 Albion, IN
Finished passes - Mojo 2 passes
Seasoned passes - Buddy 2 passes
HRCH Lily’s Full Choke Hunter earned his HRC
Finished title in
Southern IL May 1, 2011. Great job

Brandywine Creek offspring with BSS Nationals ribbons, held April 15-17, 2011 in Clinton, SC
Congratulations to all!!!!
JAM - HRCH UH Brandywines Mighty
Duramax –, Phil Hinchman, IN
Intermediate –
1st place - HR Brandywines
Special Edition – Edie, Lance Waggoner, IL
JAM - HR Brandywine's Sweet Madeline
- Dave Ladd, Niceville, FL
place - Lookout 4 Bellco's Top gun - Jeff Bell, Richburg, SC (Chip
Completion - Brandywines Cherokee
Rose - Frank Semken, Savannah, GA
Completion - Brandywine Stonewalls
Gallant Pelham - Butch Herb, Southside, AL
place - Brandywine Stonewalls Gallant Pelham - Butch Herb, Southside,
JAM - Lookout 4 Bellco's Amazing Chase
- Jeff Bell, Richburg, SC –(Chip offspring)
JAM - Brandywine's Rosemary Hill -
Brian Espy, Montgomery, AL
Completion - Lookout 4 Bellco's Top
Gun - Jeff Bell, Richburg, SC – (Chip Offspring)
Completion - Rocky Rivers Rainbow
Rider - Cheri Behe, Bailey, NC –(Hunter Offspring)
Completion - Lookout 4 Brandywines
Jr. Chip - Ray Bloom, Girard, PA –(Chip offspring)
Completion - Brandywine's Legacy of
Stonewall - Andy McGinnis, Jasper, AL
2nd place - Brandywines Miss
Ginger & Dave Polzin
3rd place - HRCH UH Brandywines Browning Citori Feather &
Phil Hinchman
2nd Place – HR Brandywines Till the Nxt
Time Tillie & Matt Behe, HRCH UH Brandywines Browning Citori
Feather & Phil Hinchman
HR UH Brandywines Bessie’s Mojo earned his UH
title on
Sunday March 13, 2011 at South GA HRC.
Bessie x Charlie 09
UFTA Nationals held Feb 23-26 in Town Creek, AL
Matt Behe and HR Brandywines Rich & Smooth Amberbock
won 1st place Flushing Singles and 4th place Flushing Doubles
This is the 3rd Flushing singles Championship for
Brandywine Creek
Bessie - 2007
Dixie - 2009
Amber - 2011
2010 - Cherry tied for 1st place but took 2nd by
2011 Boykin Spaniel Society Upland Nationals held
in Clinton, SC, Jan 15-16
HR Brandywines Bessie’s Mojo – 1st
place Novice Champion
HR Brandywines Till the Next Time Tillie – 2nd
place Intermediate
HRCH Brandywines Front Paige News – JAM in
Our Boykin Spaniels have given us many hours of enjoyment at home and in
the field. They are excellent upland hunters and field trial dogs.
We travel all over the Midwest from fall till spring attending tournaments
held by Bird Dog Challenge,
Wisconsin Championship Hunting Series,
BDC Majors and
Super Majors and we are attending HRC Hunt Tests also. Our Boykin Spaniels
compete against other breeds of hunting dogs, including Labs, Springer
Spaniels and Golden Retrievers in quail, chukar and pheasant tournaments.
We have traveled to many different places and met a lot of good friends.
There are many hunting series with tournaments already scheduled for the
fall and winter. Their schedules are updated continuously. For
a list of scheduled tournaments sanctioned by the following hunting series
click on their individual links below: |
Dog Challenge Association - BDC
Wisconsin Championship Hunting Series - WCHS
UFTA - United Field Trialers Association
Hunter Champions Club - The dog registry that provides a complete
pedigree that includes health information, lineage, Tournament Hunting
achievements and much more.
